Warren County Historical Society

Welcome to the online home of The Warren County Historical Society Please Join us, see our Join or Renew Page


Indianola, IowaIowa Map

Spring, Summer, Fall
Join the Activities!

Jam and Jelly Workshop
Museum Meeting Room
April 26, 2025
WARREN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY JUNE GARAGE SALE Friday June 20 3:00-7:00pm and Saturday June 21 9:00 to 2:00. Put these dates on your calendar, start collecting items you want to donate and think about volunteering to help the week of June 16th to sort, price, fluff or staff the sale on Friday or Saturday.
Fifth Grade Pioneer School
May 5,6,8,9
You can help make this a special day for Indianola's students.
We work on quilt blocks, corn husk dolls, candle making, one room school session, Heritage Village Tour, corn shelling, wood sawing and museum scavenger hunt.
If you would like to volunteer call Jerry Beatty 515-961-3088 or the museum 515-961-8085 or contact us by email

  • OPEN HOURS (Weather permitting)

    Thursdays 9:00am - 4:00pm
    Saturdays 9:00am -12:00pm
    Other times by appointment

    We are located at 1300 W 2nd Ave Indianola, IA. We are next to the Fairgrounds Camping area.  Our mailing address is P.O. Box 256 Indianola, Ia 50125. 
    Phone #(515) 961-8085.  Please see our About Page for a map.



    WCHS MISSION: To collect, preserve, and create interest in the cultural, political, and economic heritage of Warren County, Iowa

    Please see our About Page for more information about us.

    Watch for us during the Warren County Fair. The museum is air conditioned



    To Click Here to Join or Renew your membership


    NOTE: WCHS has no paid staff; all workers are volunteers. 100% of your donation goes to the maintenance and care of our museum and library collections. We are a 501c3 organization so all donations may be tax deductible.