Warren County Historical Society

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Parade Events Special Foods
Demonstrations Games/Tournaments Entertainment
Vendors - Children or Adults
Buy a raffle ticket for a train set or a hog
Buy a cool "Warren County Trains That Were" T-shirt

You won't want to miss this year's Log Cabin Days Celebration! From the parade starting at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday to the fantastic food, demonstrations of old time crafts, vendors and living history taking place on the grounds of your Warren County Historical Museum, you are guaranteed a wonderful time. This revived version of Log Cabin Days will rival the celebrations held in the early days of the museum. Come on Saturday fro 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to enjoy all the living history aspects, then come again on Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for games, tournaments, and bingo. You will be able to tour the entire museum and enjoy great food and vendors both days.

The theme this year is "Warren County Trains That Were". We have a rich istory of trains and depots in Warren County and you will be amazed at how these trains affected the placement of towns and the growth of Warren County. The Warren County Model Railroaders reside in the lower level of the museum and have built a magnificent model display of the community and the trains that ran through it. The "train guys" will be here with the trains running and will be happy to answer any questions. You may even get an engineer hat and kercheif. They have 100 to give away!

Please check out the detais of the following activities and we hope you will put Log Cabin Days on your calendar for September 28th and 29th.

Thanks to the many Warren County contributors. Without you this Festival would not be possible!